So you want to create a ModelGlue:Unity application? ( Part 10 )

Sean Corfield pointed out that using ColdSpring to make instance (throwaway) components is quite a heavyweight approach for a simple form bean. He is, of course, correct. Our ContactFormBean is currently created by ColdSpring. In this series, we will add a factory object that will make our instance beans for us. The factory itself will be configured through ColdSpring as well as the configuration for our objects.

This is a very simple factory. It has three methods, GetConfig, SetConfig and getBean. In turn:

  1. getConfig() returns a struct with keys = objectnames, and values = paths
  2. setConfig() provides an interface for ColdSpring to set the configuration struct.
  3. getBean() gets the path for a specific object from the configuration struct and returns a created object.
Note: the getBean() method runs an init() method on the newly created object. This is considered a convention in CFCs.
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3    <!---     Author: dwilson Date: 3/14/2007 Usage: I return an instance object     --->
4    <cffunction name="getBean" output="false" access="public" returntype="any" hint="I return an instance object">
5        <cfargument name="ObjectName" type="string" required="true"/>
6        <cftry>
8             <cfreturn createObject( "component", structFind(getConfig(), arguments.ObjectName ) ).init() />
10             <cfcatch type="any">
12                <cfthrow message="BAD_OBJECT_CONFIG_IN_INSTANCEFACTORY" detail="You provided [ #arguments.ObjectName # ] and I can't create it. Go check the config." />
14            </cfcatch>
16        </cftry>
18    </cffunction>
20    <!--- Usage: GetConfig / SetConfig methods for Config value --->
21    <cffunction name="
getConfig" access="public" output="false" returntype="any">
22        <cfreturn variables.instance.Config />
23    </cffunction>
25    <cffunction name="
setConfig" access="public" output="false" returntype="void">
26        <cfargument name="
Config" type="any" required="true" />
27        <cfset variables.instance.Config = arguments.Config />

28    </cffunction>

To use this instance factory, add the following ColdSpring xml snippet to the ColdSpring.xml file.

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1<bean id="instanceFactory" class="ContactManagerMG.model.InstanceFactory">
2     <property name="Config">
3     <map>
4     <entry key="ContactFormBean"><value>ContactManagerMG.model.ContactFormBean</value></entry>
5     </map>
6    </property>

Now remove the original ContactFormBean configuration.

Next, open the Controller.cfc file and change each instance (getContactForm, handleContactForm and removeContact) of getModelGlue().getBean("ContactFormBean") to getModelGlue().getBean("InstanceFactory").getBean("ContactFormBean") .

Finally, reinitialize your application and click on the ContactForm tab. You should see your form as before.

A factory might seem like overkill right now, since this is a simple application. However, Factory objects are a good pattern to learn. Our motivation for the factory in this case was to reduce the amount of unnecessary processing incurred by using ColdSpring to make a simple form bean. We could however, expand our factory to take additional parameters and create all sorts of dynamic objects for us.

In a later series, we'll do just that.

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1/28/08 12:34 PM # Posted By Avery Lin

DK is right,those stuff is very usful.

2/25/08 1:31 AM # Posted By TB

Probably the best MG tutorial i've seen, thanks for putting this together!

4/6/09 11:23 PM # Posted By Nolan Erck

I was looking for a Model-Glue tutorial that approached things more clearly than the the docs that came with Model-Glue. This is exactly what I needed - thanks. I'll be posting a link to your site on my blog shortly. :)


9/22/09 4:54 AM # Posted By Philip Bedi

Excellent series, I learnet a lot from this series, I have got one question, how can we make site SEO friendly when using this MG framework?

Thanks and continue doing good work and help the comunity.

10/27/10 12:58 AM # Posted By shaik muhammad shariff

Thanks for the tutorial Dan it's a good learning experience...

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