Quirk in MySQL Join Conditions

I found a quirk in a join condition today that caused too many records to display. Look at the following query and notice the two AND clauses after the LEFT JOIN to activitytype.

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2FROM organization grouptable
4    SELECT c.CommunityID, o.OrganizationID, d.DivisionID
5    FROM
6        community c
7        LEFT JOIN organization o ON c.communityID = o.communityID
8        LEFT JOIN division d ON o.organizationID = d.organizationID
9    WHERE c.communityID = 1
10    ) orgmodel ON ( grouptable.OrganizationID = orgmodel.OrganizationID )
11INNER JOIN member m ON orgmodel.OrganizationID = m.OrganizationID    
12LEFT JOIN activity a ON a.memberID = m.memberID
13LEFT JOIN activitytype at ON a.activityTypeID = at.activityTypeID
14AND hasDistance = 1
15AND activityDate BETWEEN '2011-08-01 00:00:00' AND '2011-10-24 13:38:14'
16ORDER BY activitydate

This query runs and returns 2918 rows. However, when I audit this data, I get rows back that are outside of the time bounds specified in the BETWEEN clause: ( AND activityDate BETWEEN '2011-08-01 00:00:00' AND '2011-10-24 13:38:14' ). There is no activityDate column on the table activitytype. There is an activityDate column on the activity table however. This means the query is parsed and executed without MySQL throwing an error, but the expression is not used to limit the number of joined rows. The correct recordset (428 rows) is easily obtained by moving the join condition to the correct join statement.

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2FROM organization grouptable
4        SELECT c.CommunityID, o.OrganizationID, d.DivisionID
5        FROM
6            community c
7            LEFT JOIN organization o ON c.communityID = o.communityID
8            LEFT JOIN division d ON o.organizationID = d.organizationID
9        WHERE c.communityID = 1
10        ) orgmodel ON ( grouptable.OrganizationID = orgmodel.OrganizationID )
11    INNER JOIN member m ON orgmodel.OrganizationID = m.OrganizationID    
12    LEFT JOIN activity a ON a.memberID = m.memberID AND activityDate BETWEEN '2011-08-01 00:00:00' AND '2011-10-24 13:38:14'
13    LEFT JOIN activitytype at ON a.activityTypeID = at.activityTypeID
14    AND hasDistance = 1
15ORDER BY activitydate

I hope this helps someone else with their MySQL queries.

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10/25/11 10:45 AM # Posted By Joseph Burchett

See it's stuff like this why I am glad I have moved on to a noSQL solution; MongoDB. Where the idea of creating a "join" doesn't exist really... It's all about embedding related data directly into the document, or row if you want to call it that.

Although the noSQL solution isn't best for everything, such as complex systems that require transactions (banking, accounting, etc), for most things it's ideal... Hopefully we will be seeing more of a push for it in the future, because I am personally tired of SQL and feel it's time to retire it.