I present Making Bad Code Good 2010 to The CFMeetup at Noon Today

If you can join the Online ColdFusion Meetup today (March 18th) at noon EST, we'll talk about code, code quality and show you some techniques to help you make bad code good.

This presentation picks up where my 2009 Making Bad Code Good presentation leaves off. Same great concept with all new code samples and techniques.

If you work on a legacy application, or on code built by lots of developers over the years, you likely laugh your way through this presentation. I promise to be thought provoking and challenge the way you write code. In this session, we'll look at lots of code samples and walk through making incremental changes to speed development, reduce errors and make life easier for everyone involved.

Ideas and concepts in this presentation will help you improve your existing applications and write more maintainable code.

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3/18/10 7:45 AM # Posted By Eric

noon EST?

3/18/10 8:31 AM # Posted By Lola LB

A bit off topic . . . how did you make the navigation tabs? I really like the way these look!

3/18/10 9:32 AM # Posted By Raymond Camden

I'll ditto the earlier comment - Noon EST?

3/18/10 9:43 AM # Posted By Raymond Camden
3/19/10 9:34 AM # Posted By Ajas Mohammed

I watched the recording and I have to say, it was good.

I also like the other ones you did on CFMEETUP earlier.

Good stuff.

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