ColdFusion Developers - Spot the Mistake

Take a look at this code:

view plain print about
1<cffunction name="getFilterString" output="false" access="public" returntype="string" hint="I return the search filter list">
2 <cfargument name="avoid" type="string" default="" />
3 <cfset var x = "" />
4 <cfset var dynHasFunct = "" />
5 <cfset var dynGetFunc = "" />
6 <cfset var rtnVal = "" />
8 <cfloop collection="#variables.instance#" item="x">
9 <cfset dynHasFunc = variables["has#x#"] />
10 <cfset dynGetFunc = variables["get#x#"] />
11 <cfif NOT listFind( arguments.avoid, x) AND dynHasFunc() >
12 <cfset listAppend( rtnVal, "#x#=#dynGetFunc()#", "&") />
13 </cfif>
14 </cfloop>
15 <cfreturn rtnVal />
16 </cffunction>

I just spent 15 minutes tracing all this code out trying to find out why nothing was returned. The intent of the code is to build a string containing values present in the object. So if a user searches by Category, UserID etc, the search string is maintained.

Warning, the error is simpler than you might think. Don't over think it.

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