Apache, Directory Aliases and Virtual Directories

I realized I misconfigured Apache the other day. Apache wasn't serving files from my virtual directory, rather from the root folder named the same. After looking at my Apache configuration, I noted I was missing a leading slash in my Alias directive. Sort of hard to spot, so I hope this helps someone else.

This is the misconfigured version: ( Bad )

view plain print about
1Alias /portal "C:\httpd\Apache2\htdocs\Portal\www"
2<Directory "C:/httpd/Apache2/htdocs/Portal/www">
3 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews ExecCGI
4 AllowOverride All
5 Order allow,deny
6 Allow from all

This is the one that works: ( Good )

view plain print about
1Alias /portal/ "C:/httpd/Apache2/htdocs/Portal/www/"
2<Directory "C:/httpd/Apache2/htdocs/Portal/www">
3 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews ExecCGI
4 AllowOverride All
5 Order allow,deny
6 Allow from all

Note: The slashes have been changed from \ ( Windows Style ) to / ( Unix Style ). For some reason this mattered.....

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8/21/08 1:32 AM # Posted By Drale

On my Apache 2.2 install on Windows I did it like this.

Alias /myfolder "C:/path/to/myfolder/"
<Directory "C:/path/to/myfolder/">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

So when I type http://www.mysite.com/myfolder without slash in browser it still loads. If I had "Alias /myfolder/" I am required to type the trailing slash in the browser or I get an error "The requested URL /myfolder was not found on this server.".

10/11/10 3:29 PM # Posted By ptzacs

Thanks that helped save me a lot of head scratching.

12/21/11 6:56 AM # Posted By Ian

Guys, Check this out:
It seems that it you place a / at the end of the target path, you need it at the end of the alias too (and vice-versa) makes sense really. Oh and back-slashes are escapes whereas forwards are for paths. I have Bill Gates' number somewhere, now where did I put it....

9/17/15 10:19 PM # Posted By PETE

WOAH!, man.

This did the trick for me.

It is amazing how, in the Apache Documentation: not much is said about including the drive the folder is on, in the file path (unless I missed something).

Your example just worked, first time round. Unlike, the other documentation (not to mention other blogs), which tend to be quite vague, in their help articles.

Thanks again.

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